My Services

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How can I assist you?

      I am passionate about psychology, and I know that no two individuals are the same. Each of us is a unique but also incredibly individualized puzzle. We all have these pieces that make us who we are; they can be experiences we have, where we were raised, and by whom, our body and biology, spirituality, education, ethnicity, and many more. 

      That is why each client receives therapy that is unique to them. My treatment is specific to meet the needs of my clients. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, relationships, infidelity, or any other issue, I will help you recognize underlying problems, fully realize your strengths and adjust certain behaviors and thoughts to see things differently and more healthily. I look forward to guiding you on your journey to a better way of living.

Common issues

Individual Therapy

Are you having a difficult time handling the struggles in your life? Individual therapy can help.

Conflict Resolution

Do you struggle during conflicts, finding it difficult to express your needs or be able to solve problems?

Relationship Counseling

Are you and your partner feeling stuck, do you need help with relationship issues?

Navigating Divorce

Divorce can be one of the most painful things to go through, but you can find a path to healing.

Family Counseling

Our family affects who we are and who we become, both for the better and worse.

Counseling for New Mothers

It can be upsetting and frightening for new moms to have feelings about motherhood that don’t seem “right.”

Pre-Marital Counseling

Premarital counseling can be a great benefit to both you and your partner.

Help for Parents

Parental counseling can guide you through rough spots with goals and techniques that really help.

Sex Therapy

Do you and your partner have mismatched sexual desires? Are you stuck in a sexless marriage?

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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